Doric Park vote

Please click the link to the survey and supporting documents which consist of a Questions and Answers Summary and a detailed Doric Park Project Plan:…/doric-park-have…/…Trowbridge Town Council has been investing in the town for many years, including the Civic Centre, Museum and a range of sports and recreation facilities. Investing through borrowing allows the Town Council to spread the cost of the investment over the full life of the new facilities, rather than increasing Council Tax. Additionally, interest rates are low and fixed. For a number of years we have been discussing the potential for the provision of a 3G Artificial Turf Pitch for the town and we are now ready to progress this project. We have obtained over £600,000 in funding from housing developments around the town specifically for investment in new sports pitches and over £480,000 from the Football Foundation, although the proposal will also be available for rugby use. We will need to borrow £2.2million to complete the project, but all of the repayments (approx. £100,000 per annum including interest) will be funded from the fees charged for use of the facility. We have already received commitments from local football and rugby clubs as well as other organisations seeking to use the facility during the day time. We will also be able to hire the facility to other clubs, and there will be changing rooms and parking. The final decision on Doric will take place after the May elections.