
Trowbridge Sports Forum Constitution


1.The Forum shall be known as ‘Trowbridge Sports Forum’.

1.1The term ‘Club’ shall apply to all clubs who are members of the Forum.

1.2The term ‘Member’ shall apply to individuals who are not members of a Club but are members of the Forum.


2. The Forum shall consist of as many members as the committee may decide.

2.1 Any person wishing to become a member shall make an application to the secretary.

2.2 The committee has power to:

  1. a) Refuse any person admission or re-admission to the Forum.
  2. b) Suspend the membership of any member for conduct prejudicial to the Forum.

2.3 On joining all new members will be given a copy of the Forum rules and its Aims and Objectives (See appendix A).

2.4 At the discretion of the members at the Annual General Meeting, certain Members may be awarded life membership.

2.5 Honorary life membership shall in no way deprive the recipient from actively serving as an officer or committee member of the Forum.

2.6 Attendance at meetings shall be decided by the club and their Representative shall be deemed fit to act on their behalf.


3, Any subscription fees shall be decided annually by the committee at the Annual General Meeting.

3.1 Where subscriptions fees are agree a clubs membership will be for 12 months from the date of payment and will be renewable 12 monthly there after.


4. The committee shall consist of a Chairperson, Secretary, and Treasurer and up the ten ordinary members.

4.1 Members must be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting a may serve for an indefinite period.

4.2 A Quorum shall consist of 1/3 rd of the full committee size and must include one of the designate officers.

4.3 Sub Committees may be formed may be formed to deal with specific issues and events at the discretion of the committee.


5. Should any member have a complaint this should be directed in writing to the secretary who will also respond in writing to the complainant.

5.1 Should the complaint be in any way associate with the secretary then the letter of complaint shall be directed to the Chairperson.

5.2 The complaint shall be heard by the full committee and dealt with appropriately.


  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be held between the 1st and 30th of September each year.

6.1 At the Annual General Meeting the committee shall decide the financial arrangements for:

  1. a) Audit
  2. b) Subscriptions
  3. c) Spending

6.2 Members shall be notified of an Annual General Meeting at least 28 working days prior to the meeting.

6.3 For an Extraordinary Meeting members should receive a minimum of 14 working days notice of a meeting


7. No rules or any of the Aims and Objectives shall be changed other than by a two thirds majority at the Annual General Meeting.

7.1 Proposals for changes to the rules must be received by the committee at least 14 days prior to the meeting.


8. Should the membership cease to be or the committee decide upon dissolving the club, the following rule should apply.

a) Any monies held by the club shall be distributed amongst the remaining membership of the Forum, either one club or all

b) Any equipment held or owned by the club shall be distributed amongst the remaining membership of the club.

c) In the event that members are not able to accept the monies or equipment left with the Forum the committee shall dispose of them by making a donation to similar organisations or clubs within West Wiltshire area.

d) The treasurer at the time of dissolving shall be required to hold copies of the accountants for a period of 5 years.

To download a copy of the constitution click here